Tuesday, February 16, 2010

VS2010 First Look Features

The first change you will notice when you open VS2010 web project is the solution explorer with addtional folders and files.

You will notice Account , Scripts and Styles folder.

Accont folder is consisting of ChangePassword.aspx, ChangePasswordSuccess.aspx, Login.aspx, Register.aspx and web.config files.

Scripts folder is consisting of jquery-1.3.2-vsdoc.js, jquery-1.3.2.js, jquery-1.3.2.min.js

Styles folder is consisting of Site.css.

You will also notice that About.aspx part of the project.

Now, Master page is added by default. You won't see form tag in the page as master page has been added by default.

Now it is easy to find out where all declared variable has been used. Select the variable and all the variables in that scope will be selected.

Now intellisense is more smarter, it searches the occurrence of typed character rather than searching for matching characters from the begining.

In the below screenshot, the typed letter is "in" but you can see TabIndex also along with Init as in occurs in TabIndex also.

Use it to feel the all new exciting features of VS2010.

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